Thursday, November 6, 2008

Running in the Rain ROCKS!

I woke up this morning to the sound of rain pounding on the roof. Pounding. That isn't actually a common sound in these parts, or at least it hasn't been in the 6 months we've lived here. So today was the day I had resolved to join this women's running group in town. I've been hanging out with the Dingos online for years now but I haven't done much IRL group running and you know, this marathon thing is kind of intimidating so I'm looking for all the support I can find. Anyway, did I mention the POURING RAIN? Well so I got a bit freaked out. Okay it was really more like those butterflies you get at the top of a double black diamond slope that you've just committed to and can't get out of anymore. It was like that. Only for a few minutes there I could still back out because nobody knew I was going but me and dh. But then I told the Dingos and then I called the health cli to see if they were still going. they were. And they got my name. Sooo... I got my gore tex pants and my "wterproof" jacket and went.

And it turned out to be terrific. A really great run. The women are nice and welcoming, though generally faster than me (hardly a feat). We ran the 5k loop that we did for the 4th of July run and which will be the Turkey Trot here. A couple of them are training to do the Vancouver Marathon in May. Hmmmm.